Site Level Conditions


Central Domains

Stakeholders are galvanized by a common vision for learner experiences and multidimensional outcomes and are invested in the continuous change leadership needed to align systems and behaviors to that vision.

The culture of the school enables learner and faculty to feel affirmed about who they are, connected to one another, and motivated to strive toward ambitious personal and community goals.

Collaborative, data-driven processes of monitoring learner progress and ongoing reflection and iteration ensure that appropriate interventions occur for every learner and that site-wide processes, systems, and learning experiences continuously improve.

Additional Domains

Curricula and assessments enable learning experiences that help learners grow steadily toward multidimensional learning outcomes in ways that are responsive to their individual needs, goals, and preferences.

Faculty recruitment, induction, and ongoing development ensure faculty are clear about their responsibilities, understand and align with the shared vision, experience success, and have career development opportunities to continue growing.

Faculty continuously reflect and improve upon the best instructional practices to drive toward a shared vision of effective personalized learning via faculty collaboration, coaching, and skill-building.

Schools allocate sufficient time for all key learner learning modes (e.g., 1-to-1 and small group customized learning, learner self-directed learning, projects), educator collaboration and planning, and community building.

Families, caregivers, learners, and educators are active partners in helping learner set, monitor, and advance toward their goals and aspirations.

Access points beyond the walls of the school support learners to address barriers and extend learners’ opportunities to explore passions and pursue short- and long-term learning goals.

All members of the school use technology in ways that provide real-time, responsible access to learning and assessments, and facilitate collaboration and communication around learners’ short- and long-term goals.

Site-level operations, including the physical environment, are configured and resources are allocated in ways that support a flexible, customized, self-directed, and collaborative, instructional model.

The learning environment operates within a policy context that is conducive to both learning and demonstration of mastery that happen flexibly in a variety of times, places, and customized conditions.